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One snapping turtle saved, many more killed
The snapping turtles are big, heavy and slow moving. It takes them awhile to get across the road. To stop the carnage we either need to stop the traffic or build a turtle crossing tunnel.  They shouldn't have built the road there in the first place. It could have followed a less ecologically sensitive path. Of course it would have been built before there was such a thing as ecological sensitivity.

We already close one road for a salamander.

If we can do this for a salamander then we can do it for a turtle.

There are lots of ways a wildlife crossing could be built.

I am sure we can come up with a safe way for the turtles to cross.
We just have to want to do it. 

If the turtles only cross at certain times then we could close the road temporarily. We could have turtle crossing guards, people who are there to make sure the cars stop when a turtle decides to cross. They could wear special turtle vests and have a stop sign shaped like a turtle. I bet they could get volunteers if someone organized it.

I just came across an article about a new wildlife crossing being built to protect mountain lions and other animals in the Los Angeles area.

I wish they would build it sooner, but I am glad they are building it at all.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: One snapping turtle saved, many more killed - by Catherine - 09-15-2017, 01:54 PM

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