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Caring for senior animals at the zoo
The big zoos are all working hard at caring for their senior animals. It is noticeable that the animals are living longer too. I love the fact that they renovated exhibits to help the old animals manage. It is like renovating the grandparents home  so they can still live comfortably in it.

There is a lot of understanding about good nutrition and vitamins and healthy aging. These animals are getting state of the art geriatric care.

The other thing they are doing is engaging the public. They tell people about the old animals and gain their sympathy for them.
When the old lion sleeps all day and moves very slowly we all know he is old and we wish him well and hope he is with us many more years.

In some cases where animals are very old they are no longer put on display. The zoos all have enclosures and spaces that are not public where older animals can live in peace. We feel we owe these animals a happy retirement and peaceful final years. 
It is a change in thinking that respects the animals in stead of exploiting them. Many things are better now.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Caring for senior animals at the zoo - by Catherine - 12-05-2017, 01:41 PM

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