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The Gulf Stream is slowing down
I remember the hundreds of Starfish which were washed up on UK beaches just after our snow and ice storms. Something went wrong there. There is frequently snow in the UK every winter; if not in all parts, then certainly in some, but that incident with the Starfish, as far as I know, is not a regular thing.

It will mean a whole new way of life here when something happens to the Gulf Stream. I don't quite know what it takes to protect a house against a Canadian winter. Most peoples' houses are pretty well-equipped here re: insulation, double glazing and central heating, but mine certainly isn't, even though the walls are almost 2ft thick. It is freezing here even with 10 below and such a battle to keep warm.

Messages In This Thread
The Gulf Stream is slowing down - by Catherine - 04-16-2018, 01:43 PM
RE: The Gulf Stream is slowing down - by Tobi - 04-22-2018, 09:55 AM
RE: The Gulf Stream is slowing down - by Tobi - 04-23-2018, 10:18 AM

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