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Dear Lucy
Thank you Tobi. I'm going to make an appointment to get them both a yearly check up. Yes, it is best to get an illness at early onset. I know the medicine is the same and I still have plenty of it. I've been more sleepy, too, and feel like sleeping more. The little cat sounds precious. Smile
The little cat does sound cute doesn't she.  We would all like to meet her.

You could at least take Danny to the vet. Is liver disease common in budgies? If not then there must be a reason why it keeps happening.  Is the food mix from a good source? So many of our foods are contaminated with pesticides and other kinds of pollution.   I get guinea pig hay from a farm that grows hay for small animals. I figure that is safer for my guinea pigs.

I know some of the dog and cat food turned out to be unsafe a few years ago.

Let us know how Danny is doing.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Danny is doing well. The fat in their food is what parakeets get liver disease from. I tried giving them pelletted food but they won't eat it. All they will eat is the seed food.
I don't know very much about birds and their needs, Ruth, and even less about Parakeets, but a thought just crossed my mind. It probably is an unworkable idea for one reason or another....

But is there any enzyme -or something which the vet can recommend which could maybe be added to their water; an enzyme which may help the liver to process the fats? Or alternatively, is there a way to safely stimulate bile production?
I am wondering now if there is a 'natural' one (but safe for birds) -but I don't know.
I wonder what Budgies eat in the wild that helps them deal with fat?  There diet in captivity is good, but it can't completely imitate what they find in nature.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

There is a supplement the vet gave me that helps decrease stored fat in the liver. I have about 6 mos. left worth. I got a lot of it when Lucy was sick and it's still good. I'm thinking of starting Danny and the baby on it. It is okay for any birds I was told.
That might be a good idea. You know there is a possible problem and know a solution for it. It makes sense to use it. 

I keep Vit C in for the guinea pigs and give them extra if they seen off. I use extra calcium for the lizards if they are not eating right. We know what our pets need.

I didn't know budgies had problems with fat and their livers.  I should ask around and see if anyone I know who works with birds is familiar with the problem.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The vet tried to get me to give the birds pellets but they would not eat them. The pellets are more nutritional and not fatty but what good are they if the birds won't eat them? I may start them on the lipotabs.
If your pet won't eat  it, it doesn't matter how good it is.  Could you mix a few pellets in the food dish or would they just leave them uneaten. Animals can be so picky about food. Sometimes you have to give in if you want them to eat.  The medication might be the only thing you can do.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

When I mix their food each day I put the bird seed in, and then a sprinkle of vitamins and minerals, and then a layer of very fine pellets. I can't tell if they are eating them but I hope they do.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            

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