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Guinea Pig update.
I'm sorry to be such a sluggish poster. I read everyone's posts but don't get round to posting much myself.

The herd are doing very well indeed. All of the new girls have settled right in and Cecil couldn't be more pleased. Ruby is very tolerant of them all and seems to be making friends with little Isla, who is the smallest and most timid of the group.
Ruby herself is beginning to look old. She's starting to feel boney, even though she is a prolific eater. She is nearly five and a half, which is quite a good age for a piggy, but of course we always want as long as possible with them. She's happy and otherwise healthy, so we'll just have to take it as it comes.
Kate, the chocolate long haired girlie, is very bold and will stand eating her leaves and let you stroke her while she eats! I think she worked out very quickly that stroking isn't all that bad and if you stay put you get to eat more!!
Lily, the red fuzz ball, is catching on to that too. She just adores a chin rub.
Ella, the chocolate and white with the whacky hair, is a little more timid, but like Lily, a chin rub cures all fears.
Little Isla is my special project. She is at the bottom of the "Bopping" order and is still very timid, and fast. But at lap time she is beginning to settle and enjoys a blueberry or a grape and will lick the juice off your finger, so I think I'm beginning to win, although I haven't found her "tickle" spot yet.
And Cecil just can't believe his luck!! All these lovely ladies just for him. He's fat and content, even if he does gets his face slapped a lot!!

The foster cage is occupied again. A smashing little boy called Choccy has come to stay. He has a chocolate and white roan coat and is very entertaining. He's about 6 months old and has been at the rescue since New Year. He was introduced to a few boars but was so unbelievably rude that none of them would tolerate him for more than a minute or two.
So on Tuesday he came to stay and on Wednesday he paid a call to "Dr. Snippy"!! and will stay with us for his 6 week waiting period. When he goes back to the rescue he will then be introduced to some ladies and hopefully find a wife or two who will put up with him!!
He is a delight and is enjoying calling to our herd across the room, and getting some answers. He's quite the conversationalist!!
He's fast so photography is difficult, but I'm going to persist and will post photos when I manage to get them!
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Thank you for the update on the piggies. They sound like wonderful beings! I've never had one.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I fully agree, they are wonderful beings, full of life, cheerful and they get excited over a handful of salad. I used to tell my daughter that I wished she could get as excited over her veggies!!
I think of them as like puppies, full of life, but they never need walking in the rain!!
I can't imagine life without them.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
I really was tired last night. I wrote a reply to this post, but I didn't post it. Smiley4

I am glad the piggie family is doing well. Cecil must be beside himself with all the girls to be interested in. Dear Ruby, she is getting old isn't she. She does have a full herd around her to keep her busy and interested in life. With the younger girls around you would notice the difference.
My boys are past six, but they are still looking good although Rosebert is a little stiff in the hips.

The girls all sound like they have their own way of doing things. It must be interesting to adopt a herd like that. They already had bonds and hierarchies set up. Good luck with little Isla. The timid one always needs a little special care.

Choccy sounds like a real character. He will be a happy boy when he can have his own ladies in his own home. I wish him well.
I would love to foster like that. Too bad Wales is so far away.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Well Choccy has now returned to the rescue, having had quite an eventful recovery!

He was unfortunate to develop 2 large accesses in his abdomen. They formed in the canals down which the testes descend. Not an unknown complication of neutering, but one I hadn't encountered before. He had 2 different types of antibiotic, but neither did the trick so he had to have them excised. That went successfully, but by the next morning he had removed ALL his stitches, both external and internal and almost disembowelled himself!!
A swift return to the vet for him to be put back together again followed. This time the vet stitched and glued the wounds both inside and out and even Choccy couldn't remove ALL the stitches and they held long enough for him to heal. By the time he returned to the rescue he had healed up well and his hair had regrown. There was no visible evidence of his adventures.
He went back last Tuesday and went home yesterday.
There was a chocolate sow visiting to find a new friend. She was awful with every other piggy she met and was attacking them on sight. Choccy was the 7th pig she met and it was love at first sight!!
They spent all their time snuggling, pop corning and "loving"!!
They really suit each other. It was as if she said "There you are. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you!!"

So a lovely outcome all round.
There's a really scared little girl at the rescue now. She's so afraid that she attacks on sight, people and piggies, so this will be a hard one. Also a "dangerous" one for me!! All our other single fosterlings have been boys, and since I already have a neutered herd leader in Cecil, I've known that there was no way they could stay.
But a girl, who I undoubtedly will fall for, as I do with them all, may just be a possibility.

Naughty me, I mustn't even think It!! Angel
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Good news about Choccy. It is funny how animals fall in love like that. I am sure all the other males were just as nice. Choccy was the one for her.  I am assuming he was just as happy with her. What a little brat he is pulling his stitches out like that.
I have never heard of that complication either, but infection is always a possibility.

My congratulations to the happy couple. Heart Guinea pigs do restore your faith in love don't they. Heart

That poor little piggie. She must be terrified. I rescued a pair of hamsters who were that bad and they ended up alright.

I am sure in your loving home with your happy herd to talk to her she will gradually learn to trust and be happy.
Yes that is so dangerous isn't it. If the other piggies like her it would be so easy to let her join the herd. One more wouldn't even be noticeable with the group you have.
After all what's one more piggie. At least there is just one.

The hard part will be having her fall for you, but not having the other piggies accept her.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thanks for the updates, Cibach. You are doing great work.
That is such good news! I'm glad that piggie healed up alright. It must have been a real scare to see him after he had taken out all of his stitches.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Trust a guinea pig to chew his stitches out. You can't put a cone around his neck to stop him. Guinea pigs don't have necks to speak of. Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

That's a tough situation when they don't have a neck. That's a bit like me. I don't have much of a neck either. lol
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            

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