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Stupid things people do around wild animals
Every year people do really dumb things when they encounter wildlife.
Sometimes people get hurt. More often than not it is the animals who end up in trouble.

The best rule to follow around wild animals is leave them alone.
I can't believe anyone would feed a bear a sandwich with their bare hands like that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Wow....those things are stupid. Even if someone gets away with feeding a bear a sandwich, and gets to keep their hand, they have no imagination. That bear will approach humans all the time if it thinks it might receive treats, then one day something terrible will happen, and the poor bear will be shot.

"Civilisation" doesn't appear to have done many of us much good. It's hard to believe we were once wild hunter-gatherers isn't it? We had a lot more sense back then I am sure.
People show no common sense around animals. They do things that hurt the animals(the baby bison) or they do something really dangerous for themselves like feed a bear.  Either way animals get hurt.

At least when we were hunter gatherers we must have been sensible enough to survive. How did we end up the way we are now?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I don't know what's happened to us. I don't exclude myself from that idea. I knew some tiny Mama bird had built a nest in my wood-shed. I've seen her going in and out for days. Then today I forgot. I collected wood, and made a heck of a din bringing it into the wood shed! She flew out....and then I remembered. I went out straight away, but was unsure how long it took her to return!
Yes, I have to get my wood in, but I could have been more mindful. I hear the babies OK now and did see her return, but I could have been less stupid.
I am glad the mother bird went back to her nest. It is so easy to forget something like a birds nest.

I think there is a difference between making mistakes around animals and doing something really stupid. A really stupid person would have decided that the mother bird had abandoned the babies and run in there and "rescued" them.
You used common sense and waited for her return.  In future you will be more careful. After all, you do need to collect wood, but you can put it away more quietly.

Baby bird season is tough. You have to be so careful when you garden. You never know where the little birds are going to be hiding.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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