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Missing marathon dog found
Weeks ago we posted about a little stray dog who joined a runner for a marathon in the Gobi desert. He made plans to take her home to the UK, but  she went missing. It didn't look like she would be found before he had to go home.

Then, with the help of social media she was spotted and returned to him.
They are both so glad to see each other.
Now all they need is to get her back to the UK with him and she can start her forever home on a new country.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Oh I didn't know she'd gone missing! I suppose she was used to being free all the time, and when she was taken to be prepared for quarantine, she got a bit stir-crazy.
I'm very glad to hear she was found, and all is going well. She might find the UK a bit different to the Gobi desert, but I am sure she will love the fields and woods.
I just love stories with happy endings!
Big smiles for this one. The dog deserves the best and the man and dog deserve each other. Heart
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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