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Bird left to die by callous people-More News
I see the picture didn't post. I will try and fix that. I will take a new picture today anyhow. He has started grooming himself and singing a little. He is eating from a food dish and sitting on the perches. He will even sit on my hand. So he is definitely looking better.

Sadly, I think he is blind. His eyes may heal some, but he doesn't seem to see anything right now or if he does it is more light and shadow. He is a young bird. People with more bird experience than me have looked at him and they think he is about 2 years old.
He is a happy little fellow and he even has his crest up so you can see he was a handsome bird. When his feathers grow back he will be very pretty.

[Image: y3mzLkFNHK2lKerY_biYEjcbotgskN-YPPI83ehf...pmode=none]

I think he is a charming little fellow and when he is well enough we will place him with special people.
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Through Luna Bunny's mum (she has cockatiels) we tracked down people who rescue birds. They have taken the little guy and he will be treated by a vet and there is a loving home lined up for him.

I am going to tell you what came out of the vet's report. The little cockatiel had been abused before he was found and brought to us. Abandoning him is not the worst thing that was done to him.

A report was texted to me and the easiest thing will be to type it here as it was sent to me.

Quote: He is totally blind. Someone either stabbed him in the eyes or poured a caustic chemical in them. His keel bone(breastbone) had been broken, and healed crooked, so it's a miracle he can breath. His wing was also broken, sometime in the past. Basically he was tortured.

We all feel sick about it. I can't believe how sweet and trusting he is.

They are doing a fundraiser to pay the vets bills. I can't sort the link out as it was sent to me.  I will have to get it sent to me again.

What kind of sick person would deliberately blind a bird.
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"What kind of sick person would deliberately blind a bird?"

Such a human may well have to learn what it means to be the victim of cruelty by experiencing it at first hand. You know what the Noble Knight would say.....(Hint: something about having his number).

This is an appalling case of cruelty towards a poor innocent bird. But at least he is in safe and loving hands after his ordeal.
Who would deliberately blind anything. It is a particularly nasty act of cruelty and one that requires some premeditation. The other injuries could be the results of a nasty temper, but not the blinding.

I think the Noble Knight it absolutely right. We will never find the person who did this, but that doesn't mean he will get away with it.

I don't know how much his body can be healed, but his brave little spirit is already being healed by love. He was already responding to the care we gave him when he was first rescued. In his new loving home he will cherished and valued and he will be happy in spite of his injuries.

I love the Crazy Bird Ladies. This is the first time I have heard of them, but they are doing wonderful things.

If I can find their web site I will post it.
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You might say that this story has wings. It is certainly going places.

So now he has a name. He is called Brock because he was found near Brock street. He has a loving home. Not bad for a bird that was discarded like a piece of garbage. I do hope the person who did this sees the article. I would love it if someone recognized the bird or his story and turned the person in. He at least knows we are watching for him.
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I do hope he's doing well he must feel like he's in heaven now,if I lived in your country my husband and I would have taken him on.
You would have loved Brock. Heart He would have been happy with you. He is such a sweet bird.

He does have a wonderful home now. He will be cherished and loved for the rest of his life. Heart

I love the fact that there is a very public article about Brock in a major news paper. The previous owner, Angry who hurt Brock so badly, very likely will see it and know that we are watching for him Smiley13 and the bird he discarded is now much loved by everyone. Instead of dying horribly, he will live out his life in luxury as a much loved pet. All of us who know about Brock love him. Heart
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