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Pet cancer awareness month
May is Pet Cancer Awareness Month. A group of groomers is having a charity dog wash to help raise money for cancer treatments for pets.
I knew there were ways of treating cancer in animals. I didn't know their was financial assistance to help pay for the treatments.

It is hard enough to have a pet develop cancer. It must be so much worse to know there is treatment, but you can't afford it.
It is wonderful to know that there are charities set up to help.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a great idea Stony Plain dog groomers! Bless them for doing this.

Cancer is very common, both in animals and humans. Some cancers are easily treatable (though not necessarily cheap!) And some remain a mystery.
I would very much like to hear of advancements in the research for Hemangiosarcoma -a cancer of the blood vessels almost exclusively in dogs. It is a cancer with generally a very poor prognosis once it is diagnosed. Standard chemotherapy usually doesn't get it but can give a dog just a little extra time.There is some anecdotal evidence that alternative treatments, such as Yunnan Baiyao appear to give dogs a little more time -but it is still a lottery.
I keep an eye on developments but never hear any groundbreaking news.

But it is good to hear there is financial help available for those whose animals are suffering from cancer.
I think all animals get cancer. It is only the  most common ones that have treatments. I hope they are working on treatments.
Someday we will know what to do with cancer to treat it or even prevent it. Until then we just try what we can. It is great that people are fundraising to help with treatments.

I am  not familiar with Hemangiosarcoma so I looked up some articles.

Does this one fit with what you have been reading about the subject?
I seems like a particularly nasty cancer. It is odd that it is mostly found in dogs.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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