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That is an interesting idea Libby. I am surprised that some University doesn't have a try at experimenting like that. I wonder if a study of Coyotes and their behaviour has been done yet? Whatever....their social structure will make some sense and will follow a pattern of some kind.
Quote:Since coyotees are hunted by wolves usually I wonder if playing the sounds of a hunting wolf pack could make them back down?
You might be on to something. I don't think I knew that wolves hunt coyotes. The wolf sounds would make a difference then.
It would have to be a good recording. If it was just a few wolves played over and over again I think the coyotes would figure it out.  The recording would have to convince the coyotes that there are actual wolves in the area.

It would be worth trying. It is the kind of solution where no one gets hurt.

Tobi, you are right, it is surprizing that some university has not been studying them. Certainly the University of Calgary should be on it. Being in the foothills of the Rockies, the university is in coyote country. They could get a team of science undergrads on it.
When I was a student there we would have loved a project like that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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