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Woman rescues over 100 animals and is rewarded
Scarlet Altom has been rescuing animals for years, more than a hundred of them. She just can't leave an animal in need. So her good friend nominated her for "Pay it Forward" a show that recognizes people that do good deeds.

I am sure that the money will come in handy. No doubt she will continue her rescuing and one day we will read that she has rescued over 200 animals.
There are good people out there doing good things for animals.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a kind, good woman, bless her Soul! I hope she will go on to help and rescue many more.
I am sure she has a long life of rescuing ahead of her. The money she received will come in handy when she has vets bills. 
Some people are so amazing. They just are there for the animals that need them.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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