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Delta Airlines tightens rules for service animals
Right now actual service animals like seeing eye dogs are allowed to travel in the plane with the person they serve.
These animals are specially trained and easily identified. The airline has no problem with those animals. 
The area they want to regulate better is emotional support animals. Some emotional support animals are trained and are actually working animals. Some animals that people want to bring on the plane are an untrained pet that gives the person emotional support. Some animals are just a pet that the person doesn't want to see travel in a crate in the baggage area.
The airline wants to regulate this situation. They want there to be some documentation that the pet really is an emotional support animal.

I can understand where the airline is coming from. Airlines have given people a lot of leeway about the animals they can fly with. In some cases it is questionable that the animal is a support animal of any kind. Also people have been using fake vests to get their dogs into places they wouldn't have been allowed. People have abused the system and now things won't be so free and easy.

Fake service animals have endangered the rights of real service animals. Hopefully service animals can still ride on airplanes with a minimum  of paperwork to verify their status. If Delta Airlines tightens its rules. no doubt other airlines will follow. 
The best way to protect the rights of service dogs right now would be a careful following of the rules and always having a well behaved animal. That is how I see it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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