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New Leopard Gecko
The humidity stays around 60-70%. I can't find any where that tells me where the humidity needs to be tho. Would it be a universal reptile egg humidity? that would be too easy tho. lol. But since the incubator is going to be in my room I'm going to have to figure out how to make it so my room doesn't heat up with the incubator. I don't want my room to be the same temp as the incubator. It doesn't help that I have 5 different heat sources right now. I can't wait until I have only 2 tanks instead of 4. May needs to hurry up and get here. I can put Claire with Charlie as long as she continues to eat like she has been. She finally started eating to where I don't worry about her. Kate is eating well too but I'd still like her to eat more and get some fat on her. Her tail is thinner than I would like.

By the way I did decide to swap Kate and Claire's names. So Kate is the little SHTCT and Claire is the Jungle Albino Tremper.
Quote:The humidity stays around 60-70%. I can't find any where that tells me where the humidity needs to be tho. Would it be a universal reptile egg humidity? that would be too easy tho. lol. But since the incubator is going to be in my room I'm going to have to figure out how to make it so my room doesn't heat up with the incubator. I don't want my room to be the same temp as the incubator. It doesn't help that I have 5 different heat sources right now. I can't wait until I have only 2 tanks instead of 4. May needs to hurry up and get here. I can put Claire with Charlie as long as she continues to eat like she has been. She finally started eating to where I don't worry about her. Kate is eating well too but I'd still like her to eat more and get some fat on her. Her tail is thinner than I would like.

By the way I did decide to swap Kate and Claire's names. So Kate is the little SHTCT and Claire is the Jungle Albino Tremper.

I will ask the reptile guy about incubator humidity. He will know. He hatches all my eggs and his own and anyone elses.
It still sounds like you are getting it to work. You just need to fine tune things.

The girls sound like they are doing okay. It makes sense to switch the names since you feel that they should be switched. As long as they are eating you should be able to introduce the girls to the boys. I am sure they will respond well to each other. They are close in size so they should be okay. Just do it on a day when you can watch them for awhile, just to be sure.
I would love to see Jack's face when he sees a girl for the first time.Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

They are doing good. I'd still like to see them eat more. but As long as they are eating some I wont worry. It may be a while before Jack gets to see Kate. Charlie and Claire are close to size so I'll let them see each other first. Have them spend a few hours here and there until I feel everything is fine between them. Jack however will have to wait a while. Kate will be a year old in June so from that point I will have to wait until December when she is full grown (1.5 years). And with her getting burned on her tail and not eating at a young age I'm wondering if that will stunt her at all. I guess I wont know for a while.
You could give them supervised visits. If it works out they could spend hours together and if it really works out you can just leave them together. Wait until you have a few days off and can spend time watching them. Even if Kate is smaller she should still be okay with Jack. Males are usually bigger anyhow. They might really like having the company.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'll just have to play it by ear. I wanna get Kate healthy before she is with Jack. She's at least half his size now and her tail is still thin. So I don't want to risk her getting hurt or being bullied out of food. She needs to have a fat healthy tail before anything is decided. I can't wait to see what Charlie and Claire think of each other. Claire's appetite is really good now she's starting to really eat. So by mid May I'll start letting them meet here and there. Then hopefully by the end of May they will be with each other full time.
It is kind of cute matchmaking for lizards. You want everything to be just right before you introduce them. If Kate is that small you are right to work with her on her own first. She might stay small, but she will fatten up. I am sure Jack will adore her when he finally sees her.

You should try to get pictures of Charlie and Claire when you introduce them. It can be quite cute watching them when they realize who the other is. Reptiles are cute with each other. I look forward to hearing all about how they react.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'm sure I'll be snapping a million pictures when they first meet.
You are going to go wild with pictures when you start putting them together. It can be very interesting.

I love being a reptile match maker. Of course it helps if you have a male and a female. I am trying to make a match for Shiloh my young hognose. The little male I brought home is quite nice and quite clever. He is smart enough that in a few seconds he figured out that Shiloh is a male. opps. Back to the drawing board.Smiley4
This time I have brought home what seems to be a female, but she is much smaller than Shiloh so I do need to grow her a little and be careful how I introduce them. She is very pretty and a little bit spunky for her size. I am sure Shiloh will love her at first sight. Heart
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

All my leos got clean tanks today. It been awhile since a pulled everything out and gave them a good scrub. I do mostly spot cleaning but after a while everything just needs to by hosed down and scrubbed. I think they approve. Jack and Charlie have been walking everywhere trying to figure out if anything is different. Kate and Claire even looked around some.
Charlie actually got a new hiding rock today though. I’ve been looking for one that is rougher to help when he sheds. I finally found a good priced one. It looks like a flying saucer stuck in a rock. It was marked down from $14.99 to $7.50 cause some part had come off but it works all the same. I don’t really like it but I can deal with it since it was so cheap.
Tomorrow I’m going to take the plunge and put Charlie and Claire together. I hope they like each other. I’m so nervous for them. I’ve been reading up on what to expect. It could take several tries before they actually get to live together. Claire has to be ovulating before she will accept him apparently. Most of the action should be coming from Charlie but if Claire makes any aggravated jumps or twitches then I need to separate them.
You are right, sometimes it is good to completely hose down a tank. I think the lizards like it. Everything feels new and they explore and act like they have never seen things before.

You definitely spoil your lizards. They have everything they could possibly want.

I can't wait to hear how Charlie and Claire react to each other. A certain amount of twitching is normal. They will both know immediately that they are male and female. Even if she is not in season, she might be interested in having him around. Charlie will be interested no matter what. He might try courting her. His presence might even bring her into season. So you could be starting with the egg laying/ incubating/ hatching sooner than you think.

I can't wait to see what they produce.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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