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Climate Change grief
Increasingly people are starting to experience a deep grief and sense of loss because of climate change. The even have a term for it, solastalgia. It is a kind of homesickness because the place where you live has changed.  
People are feeling deep trauma because of the floods and fires that are destroying so many areas. 
The area where you live has been changed and often people lose their personal property as well.
We are going to end up with global Climate Change PTSD. I don't think we are ready to deal with it.

I am an optimist and I believe we can still do something. I admit though, I am tired of the people who have given up and say it is hopeless. Maybe they can't help themselves. When you look at the damage we have already done to the planet and look at the consequences of that damage it is hard to see a better future ahead. 

If too many people become discouraged and depressed by climate change, it is going to be really hard to keep fighting it. 
We may have to put a lot of energy into keeping people going so we can still put energy into fighting climate change.

It is not that I don't understand how bad things are, I just know that the planet is worth fighting for and I would rather channel my grief into working to save the planet. They alternative is not good.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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