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Walrus calf rescued in Alaska
A 200 pound, 1 month old baby walrus was found in Alaska. He was 4 miles inland from the ocean and no adult walrus could be found. It is unclear how he got there, but he is safe now at the Alaska SeaLife Centre. He is being fed every three hours and cuddled constantly.

How do you cuddle a 200 pound baby walrus? Carefully. Mostly they let him lie up against a warm human. This mimics the care his mother would have given him. It is fortunate he was found in time. Without his mother he wouldn't have survived. 
He is so funny looking he is actually cute.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Sadly the walrus calf didn't make it. He was getting round the clock care, but it wasn't enough.

That is the sad part of rescuing animals. Sometimes they don't make it.
It is worth trying because sometimes they do make it.
At least he died with caring people who tried to make him comfortable.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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