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Lambert is dying
My oldest guinea pig has had a heart attack. I am keeping him comfortable. His son and his other piggie friends are being very good to him, but there is no doubt that he is failing. I know the signs. He may rally a little and have some more good days, but this is the beginning of the end. He is 5 1/2 and I have seen signs that he is aging.
I can't picture not seeing him waiting for me to feed him every day.
He is such a sweet little guy.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Oh dear little Lambert, I am so sorry. I hope he will have a gentle time, enjoying his last days. It is sad, but can also be a very special time as something spiritual starts to take over as the body fails. I did sense that with Misty, and when I look back, also with my husband, my other dog and my mother.
I hope he will pass peacefully when his time comes, with much love and care from you and from the others. Bless him.
I was only laughing at his picture the other day....
Lambert is gone. The damage to the heart must have been bad because he never improved. He just got weaker and faded out. He was with his family and they stayed by him, even after he was gone.Smiley19

He may be gone from us, but his beloved foster parents Lily and Pigbert will be glad to see him again and Rosie and Miss Charlie and of course Frodo. My original guinea pig family is now reunited.Heart

It does leave a rather big hole in my current guinea pig family. I don't think it has hit them yet that he is not coming back. I am not sure I have quite realised it yet.Smiley19
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am so sorry, Catherine. At least he had you all with him when he went. It's such a privilege to be an animal keeper, but the price we pay for all the love and affection given and received is to feel the loss so greatly when they go.
I'm sure all your other animals are a great consolation at this time, but the hole left must seem huge.
We seem to be losing a lot of our old timers this year, but I bet they're having a great party !!
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Dear Lambert....He had such a happy life with everything he could wish for, including the BIG BOX OF HAY. He knows he was loved.
Travel well in Spirit dear little boy.
I only just saw this thread. I am very sorry to read about the passing of your dear Lambert. Of course, you will miss his physical presence, especially as he was the last of your "original ones". I send you my deepest condolences.

He had a great life with you; he was probably one of the happiest and best treated piggies on the planet! He will now be with the others, who no doubt gave him a real welcome! He has passed through a curtain, but we all have to pass it some time or other.

You will have so many waiting for you at the Bridge, Catherine; all of them will be so grateful for your love and care. You will need to grow some extra arms to hold them all!
Thank-you all for your kind thoughts. It is hard losing any pet, but he was the last of the original family and he was the last of the Groom's Pet shop pets. They closed years ago, but they didn't seem quite gone until now.
Lambert was a little sweetheart, but he was also nicknamed "Bratnick"
because he was the one who pulled down piles of clean towels to sleep on. He was a real character.

I am glad he was healthy until the end. Even that morning he ate well and was himself. There were subtle signs of age, I was watching, but I thought Rosebert his son was aging faster. So Lambert was a healthy happy guy right to the end.
Robbie seemed the most unsettled this morning. He didn't know where to stand at breakfast time. Rosebert and Norbert are brothers and have been together all along. I think Robbie was really attached to Lambert. He will need a lot of attention right now.

So I will release Lambert to his happy homecoming and spend my time with the boys he left behind.
[Image: IMG_1486.JPG]
[Image: IMG_1506.JPG]
I shall so enjoy seeing them all again.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

My deepest condolences to you and the rest of the family, Catherine<3 It never gets easier to lose a pet, especially the last of a line or generation...but at least he didn't suffer, and he lived a long life surrounded with love. LPC is right; you'll have quite the welcoming party someday!
Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. --Steven Wright / / tech support & web design, I'm always happy to be of assistance!
Thank-you. Lambert did live a love filled life and his passing was peaceful. I am sure Pigbert is over joyed to have his adopted son with him again.

It does leave a big empty space in the hearts of all of us here, but the boys are being good to each other and they are a comfort to me.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

So sorry to hear about dear Lambert....
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart

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