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Some wildlife sketches.
I've always loved sketching animals and plants, mostly using pencil.
These are some bird sketches I did a few years ago, thought it would be nice to share them here.

It's actually been quite a long while since I've sketched any animals, my life is so much busier these days, I just never get the free time at the moment. I would definitely love to do so again sometime in the future. Smile

"And ye harm none, do what ye will" ~ Wiccan Rede
Very nice work. You have a fine hand for sketching. You have good detail in the drawings. I hope that you find time in your busy life to do more drawings in the future.

I know what you mean though. We are all so busy. We never seem to have time for the creative side of life. All of us would feel more balanced if we could keep our creative side going. When did we get so busy and why?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Wonderful drawings. You have talent; don't lose it because of life's pressures!
Lovely work! No -never stop doing it. The trick is to integrate sketching into every area of your life -thus honing your skill. Take a sketch book and pencil with you wherever you go. Even if you only have time to capture a few angles (birds' wings in flight etc...) you can always add to those when you have time later.
Thank you everyone. Smile

Back when I was doing these sketches, I used to have so much free time on my hands. I still lived with my parents, and I didn't have a job, so I didn't have to worry about rent, bills, housework ect.

I do definitely intend to try some sketching again in the future though ... if I do I will definitely put them up here. Smile

"And ye harm none, do what ye will" ~ Wiccan Rede
I hope you do keep up the sketching. I look forward to seeing the results.

I think we should all make a promise to ourselves to keep our creative sides alive and well.

I quilt, but my fabric supply got into such a mess that I can't seem to start anything. So I am doing cleanup and organization. I am getting rid of the fabric I can't use (it is not good quilting cotton)or even don't want to use(why would I make something with a fabric I don't like).
If I get it sorted out I can then get a project going.

A few minutes everyday is enough to get things going. Good luck with the sketching.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What lovely drawings Janay. You definitely have a gift!
I would also enjoy seeing more of your work.
Sometimes even those little 'doodles' done in a few minutes of spare time, can turn into something amazing!!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]

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