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All Donkeys Go To Heaven...says Pope Francis
Yes, animals have souls as we do. And not just beloved pets, but all animals. When this penny drops, all manner of day to day animal abuse practices (meat eating, milk, leather, fur,
vivisection etc.) become totally untenable.

Yes also, when your 'time' comes and you pass over, all those you have loved and who loved you (who have passed over) will be there to greet you.

Peter: Interested to see you've joined Catholic forum. I will be interested to see how long you stay there!

I've thought about joining various Catholic forums in the past, but have never done so, because I've viewed threads started by animal lovers advocating vegetarianism, compassion etc and to a man (or woman) they've been banned. Not even for kicking off, just for opposing killing.
With plenty of 'afters' justifying meat-eating etc. to follow.

So, I wish you well.
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
Quote:I've thought about joining various Catholic forums in the past, but have never done so, because I've viewed threads started by animal lovers advocating vegetarianism, compassion etc and to a man (or woman) they've been banned. Not even for kicking off, just for opposing killing.
With plenty of 'afters' justifying meat-eating etc. to follow.

I find this very disturbing. I didn't know there were Catholic Forums, but I also didn't know there were animal Forums. Look where I ended up. The fact that they would ban a thread about vegetarianism is bad. They could say it is off topic for a Catholic Forum, if their purpose was only to discuss religion, but I think they banned vegetarian discussions because they reject the whole idea. I wonder how they are on the subject of ecology.
I will let LPC check these things out. I still do not want to join a Catholic Forum. Catholics tend to not like my ideas so I keep a low profile.

I think the Pope's statement must be upsetting to a lot of people right now. He is already bothering them with other statements he has made. You know the man is right when you figure out some of the people who hate him.
For some people respecting all life and the environment is unacceptable. They need to believe that they are something different and above the rest of creation. I feel secure enough in who I am to respect even an earth worm. What does it say about them that they only feel secure if they respect nothing.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Noble Knight, I only joined one Catholic forum in order to post the latest news about the declaration of Pope Francis. I don't belong to any organised religion (as I mentioned above) and don't feel the need for one.

However, I assumed that they would be grateful for the update (as it was "hot off the press" at the time) and that any animal lovers on that forum would be pleased. Sadly, this was not so. Lots of people refused to accept the news reports, saying that they were distorted or false. I was accused of "spreading false spin" from newspapers listed at the beginning of this thread (Daily Express and Daily Mail). They challenged me to find any reference to this announcement in Catholic publications. Of course, being new, there was nothing on Catholic news sites at that time.

One or two on the forum did agree that animals had immortal souls, but they were clearly in the minority. I felt unwelcome and I doubt whether I will return, although I did promise to give an update as and when I get a reply from the Vatican Press Office (if I ever do).

I got the impression that many on the forum only liked the old Pope (Benedict), because he was a traditionalist. I saw very little praising of Francis for his attempt to bring his Church into the modern world.

It is an experience I would prefer to put behind me. Perhaps it was a mistake to join such a forum. I only wanted to share the "good news" of the declaration.

Never mind. Here, I'm with kindred spirits! Good old ALWF! Heart
(12-14-2014, 04:39 AM)Knight of Albion Wrote: Yes, animals have souls as we do. And not just beloved pets, but all animals. When this penny drops, all manner of day to day animal abuse practices (meat eating, milk, leather, fur,
vivisection etc.) become totally untenable.

Yes also, when your 'time' comes and you pass over, all those you have loved and who loved you (who have passed over) will be there to greet you.

Peter: Interested to see you've joined Catholic forum. I will be interested to see how long you stay there!

I've thought about joining various Catholic forums in the past, but have never done so, because I've viewed threads started by animal lovers advocating vegetarianism, compassion etc and to a man (or woman) they've been banned. Not even for kicking off, just for opposing killing.
With plenty of 'afters' justifying meat-eating etc. to follow.

So, I wish you well.

That is very sad. (about the obvious discrimination against animal supporters on those forums.)

I joined a Christian forum once, August 2012, mainly to make only one post, as there were discussions about animals NOT entering the life of Spirit (or 'Heaven') Of course I was aware it would bring 'reprisals'....but I happily and simply shared a few of my experiences with Misty after her so-called 'death'.
I just had to do it and my heart was light.
It certainly did bring reprisals. After reading the reply which came in only minutes later which seemed to be focused on "Demons" and lack of "discrimination".....I let go of that forum for good, and went for a walk in the orchard instead, then had a good dinner.

...And Misty returned to visit me the very next night, full of her love and happiness.

My thoughts went briefly to the forum members, and I asked that some of the members there who were struggling with bereavement may be given such comforts.
....And dear LPC.....
Can you imagine the furore you would have caused if you had walked happily into the Flat Earth Society, and showed them that you knew the Earth was a globe?
Dusty old "Traditionalists". They can't help it. But the World turns, anyway.....
Catherine, I absolutely love what you have written in your 2 posts on page 2.
Quote:Catherine, I absolutely love what you have written in your 2 posts on page 2.

It is interesting that this topic has generated so much an animal forum, but not in a Catholic Forum.

LPC, I wondered how you would do with the Catholic Forum. It figures that they would reject what you said. It is probably a very conservative group. They usually claim to be very religious and to support the Pope totally. Of course they only support him when he says what they want to hear. What they want to hear is that only they go to heaven. You and I and our animal friends are not welcome from there point of view. They, however, do not speak for God. They don't even speak for the Church.

I am not surprized that none of you feel welcome in Catholic Forums. The Church and Catholics should be open and welcoming, but the reality is different. I have always been a free thinker and I like to question things. That is how we learn. Within months of me becoming a Catholic, I had people telling me I should leave, that the Church did not need the likes of me. I have stayed, but it has not been easy and I have stayed in spite of the people in the Church. There are many good people, but there are lot more like the ones on the forum.

If the Pope had said something they liked they would have jumped on it with no evidence. He said something they didn't like so even a personal letter from the Pope would not be proof enough. If they find they cannot ignore what he said, then they will reject him as Pope.

Out of curiosity I just looked up the flat earth society to see how long ago it ceased to exist. Guess what:
Not only do they still think the earth is flat, they have come up with a lot of "evidence" to prove it. Apparently ignorance is invincible and immune to the truth.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I can't imagine why anyone would want to go to a Heaven where they didn't see their loved ones, including those who had blessed them with gentleness, companionship, friendship and unconditional love during their lives. That would be a contradiction in terms, for me. I would look around, feel very sad indeed, and immediately ask if I could go to the place THEY had gone instead! And I wouldn't mind what it was like there, or how much barking I had to put up with....I would be happy as Larry. Yes I would be very happy to get kicked out of 'Heaven' for that! LOL
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
― Will Rogers

A very famous quote!
So right, Will Rogers! Snap!
(or the case may be...)

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