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My newest pair
Today I bought a new pair of breeding piggies. I haven't named them yet as I'm still trying to decide what suits them.

The sow is an Agouti/White Sheltie and the boar is a red sheltie. She is a purebred, but he isn't. I had a choice of which boar I wanted and he stood out for me. Such an handsome young piggie.

[Image: 2015-01-07133325_zpsd97157c5.jpg]
They are beautiful!
The boar is really fine looking. I can see why you chose him. He has a nice looking face.

The little female, sigh, I am in love.Heart
She is so graceful looking, a perfect little princess. What about Guinevere as a name. I love he long flowing coat and the colour is very attractive.

You should have some beautiful babies from this pair.
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(01-08-2015, 04:27 PM)Catherine Wrote: They are beautiful!
The boar is really fine looking. I can see why you chose him. He has a nice looking face.

The little female, sigh, I am in love.Heart
She is so graceful looking, a perfect little princess. What about Guinevere as a name. I love he long flowing coat and the colour is very attractive.

You should have some beautiful babies from this pair.

I thought that you would love the sow. I fell in love with her when I first saw her photo and when I saw her in the flesh, well what can I say?
I really like the name Guinevere, so that's what I am going to name her and I will name the boar Arthur.

I really would like to get the long haired more established and so this pair is my new project. I also got a young teddy boar. His name is Crackle and I'm hoping to put him with my two girls, Pumpkin and Lucky, and finally get some Teddy babies as they are all pure-bred teddys. I will post a picture of Crackle later, when I can.
You know I love that colour and it is even prettier in the longer hair. Guinevere suits her, but I never thought of Arthur as a name for the male. It is so obvious and it suits him. I guess my brain is slowing down or the cold is getting to it.Smiley4
They are a perfect couple.

I can't wait to see Crackle. What colour is he? Have I seen pictures of Pumpkin and Lucky? I am going to take a wild guess that Pumpkin is orange. I don't recall seeing them.

I can't wait to see the next generation. The Shelties and the teddys are so cute. It will be good if you can get a breeding line established.

I am sure you are on the look out for other good breeding stock. Keep me posted.
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(01-09-2015, 01:53 PM)Catherine Wrote: You know I love that colour and it is even prettier in the longer hair. Guinevere suits her, but I never thought of Arthur as a name for the male. It is so obvious and it suits him. I guess my brain is slowing down or the cold is getting to it.Smiley4
They are a perfect couple.

I can't wait to see Crackle. What colour is he? Have I seen pictures of Pumpkin and Lucky? I am going to take a wild guess that Pumpkin is orange. I don't recall seeing them.

I can't wait to see the next generation. The Shelties and the teddys are so cute. It will be good if you can get a breeding line established.

I am sure you are on the look out for other good breeding stock. Keep me posted.

Funny you should say that I'm on the look out for other good breeding stock. I have bought another Sheltie boar who should be arriving on Thursday (along with a Netherland Dwarf rabbit), and I am hoping to have another Sheltie sow off the woman I got Guinevere and Arthur from to go with him.

And, I'm going to try my hand with Peruvian guinea pigs. I was browsing on one of the Facebook pages and I saw some really nice ones and I thought that I wouldn't mind trying them as a new project. So, I have bought a Lunkarya bred peruvian sow, a peruvian boar, and a Lunkarya boar from one woman and they will come on the 2nd February. Then, I have bought 3 more Peruvian boars from a woman who breeds and shows them. They also will be coming on the 2nd February. Now, I just need some sows to go with them.

What do you think?
I can't wait to see the pictures of the new piggies. Peruvians are beautiful.
I had to look up the term Lunkarya. I have seen the pictures, but I wasn't sure of the name. They are amazing. All that hair all fluffed out, it is cute and funny and pretty all at the same time.
I am sure you have just bought the nicest guinea pigs ever. You have had good success in choosing breeding stock. Your babies are always lovely. I can't wait to see what kind of babies you will get with this new bunch.

Can you get more sows or do you need to breed them yourself.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(01-10-2015, 04:22 PM)Catherine Wrote: I can't wait to see the pictures of the new piggies. Peruvians are beautiful.
I had to look up the term Lunkarya. I have seen the pictures, but I wasn't sure of the name. They are amazing. All that hair all fluffed out, it is cute and funny and pretty all at the same time.
I am sure you have just bought the nicest guinea pigs ever. You have had good success in choosing breeding stock. Your babies are always lovely. I can't wait to see what kind of babies you will get with this new bunch.

Can you get more sows or do you need to breed them yourself.

I got a few sows as well, but some of them will be too young to breed yet. And they all arrive on Sunday evening. So excited. It's a new chapter in my life, a new project to keep me busy with.

Yes the Lunkaryas are amazing. I always looked at them thinking they looked like guinea pigs having bad hair days as their hair is is wild and crazy. I never thought I would have them in my breeding plans, but I wanted to have something totally different from what I usually have, plus these are from show breeders so they are purebred and top quality.
Quote:Yes the Lunkaryas are amazing. I always looked at them thinking they looked like guinea pigs having bad hair days as their hair is is wild and crazy. I never thought I would have them in my breeding plans, but I wanted to have something totally different from what I usually have, plus these are from show breeders so they are purebred and top quality.

They are a real find then. If you are starting from good stock you can produce the babies you want. Show breeders are careful about their lines and can give you good information about the piggies you are getting. How many Lunkaryas would you be getting. Do they come in a range of colours? Of course I like the black and white ones.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(01-17-2015, 02:50 PM)Catherine Wrote:
Quote:Yes the Lunkaryas are amazing. I always looked at them thinking they looked like guinea pigs having bad hair days as their hair is is wild and crazy. I never thought I would have them in my breeding plans, but I wanted to have something totally different from what I usually have, plus these are from show breeders so they are purebred and top quality.

They are a real find then. If you are starting from good stock you can produce the babies you want. Show breeders are careful about their lines and can give you good information about the piggies you are getting. How many Lunkaryas would you be getting. Do they come in a range of colours? Of course I like the black and white ones.

I have sad news, I found Guinevere dead in the corner of the cage. No idea what happened as she was perfectly ok before. Totally gutted as I really liked her and was hoping for some lovely babies off the pair of them. I got in touch with the breeder I had her from and she has offered to replace her with another sheltie sow so once I make my mind up what to have I can go and collect her.

At the moment I only have the one male Lunkarya, but on my hunt to find a sow for him, I ended up buying a lovely pair of them and they arrive the weekend, so they will be in the breeding cage straight away. I have also got another breeding pair also coming on Sunday, these are coronets as I want to try and strengthen my coronets, as the only ones I have left to breed with are Cupid and his son Prince. The girls, Belle, Rapunzel and Pocahontas are all now in retirement as they are almost 2 years old and I felt that they deserved a long break. Remember when I first had them as babies? Hasn't the time flown?

I had a sort out in my sheds today, moving all retired sows into one big cage (plus Pablo), and the sows that I have decided to sell/rehome, leaving me a cage free for some other peruvian sows which I will have on Monday. And next week, hopefully, all the lops will be going so I can then move all the Netherland bucks into their empty hutches in the new shed leaving me with spare cages in the old shed to be able to put the boars into when they have to be split up from the sows. I will have the sheds as I want soon, that's the plan anyway Smiley4
I am so sorry to hear about Guinevere. That is so sad and sudden. She was so pretty. What a loss. I really think guinea pigs are prone to sudden death like that. There is no warning, they are just gone.

I am glad the breeder is replacing her. I hope you can get one with that colour again.
I can't wait to see your Lunkarya guinea pigs. So if I have understood you, you will have a male and two females. That should be enough to get things started.
I can't believe Belle, Rapunzel and Pocahontas are ready to retire. Time sure has flown. They were such sweet babies. I wish I was closer. I would love to have retired girls from you.
So Cupid is still active and now his son is active too. I hope you can get them a set of females. Cupid has always been such a good breeder for you.

Ah yes, the sheds, it is like me with my tanks and storage areas. I am always sorting things out.
You will feel better for sorting the sheds out. You will be able to make good use of space and have the animals where you want them. It is a never ending job to keep things sorted out because your needs must always be changing. Having the retired girls together must be fun for them. They like living in groups.
Of course once you start sorting things out it will end up being a bigger job than you expected and more things will get moved. At least you have two good sheds.

How has the weather been for you this year? Is it pretty good. You haven't mentioned cold and snow or any winter problems.

So how many new Peruvians are you getting?
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