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April Lodge Guinea Pig Rescue
I came across an article about a wonderful guinea pig rescue in Kent England. The woman running it is amazing. She has helped rehome countless numbers of piggies, old and young.

I feels good to know that there are people out there helping animals in need. I have a soft spot for the guinea pigs recues since my piggies are rescues. Guinea pigs are such a rewarding pet. The love everything we do for them. It seems so sad that people reject them.

My little Flora has never gotten over being dumped in the park.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This is an excellent centre, but as she says, rescues should not be needed. If only people thought it through before they bought pets for their children. Sadly the numbers in rescues are rising all the time. We seem to live in the era of disposable pets. If only folk would consider rescue piggies first before buying from pet stores. If the demand dropped then indiscriminate breeding would decline which would be beneficial to the piggies that are bred.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
I know, it is the same here. People think it would be fun to have babies or they can't be bothered to stop them breeding. They have a pet for awhile and then they get tired of it or want something else.

They are people who shouldn't have any pets ever. Guinea pigs are such sweet vulnerable creatures and they don't live that long. I hate it when someone dumps an old guinea pig. How could you have a pet for years and then dump it. Someone like that seems to be unable to bond with a pet. I wonder if they can bond with anything else?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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