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Petition to stop animal cruelty on UK TV show.
I just signed. I live in France, but am a British citizen. I urge others to sign, if they are eligible.

Janay, I will state it here in case others come to this thread and don't read from the beginning (it happens!): only those who reside in the UK or are British citizens can sign this UK Government e-petition. Sadly, it has attracted very few signatures, worthy as it is. I also suspect that the signature total is not updated frequently (I signed, received confirmation, checked later and the total was the same).

As for the show, I saw it on the television via satellite occasionally and always changed channel immediately after seeing what went on.

(01-05-2015, 08:42 AM)Janay Wrote: Small animals being eaten alive / forced to suffer immense pain - should not be considered as a form of comedy/entertainment.
(01-05-2015, 01:07 PM)Tobi Wrote: And they show zero respect to those small insects and creatures. They have no compassion.
Silly egotistical humans at it again.
You are both so correct! Spot on!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Petition to stop animal cruelty on UK TV show. - by LPC - 01-05-2015, 08:59 PM

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