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Petition to stop animal cruelty on UK TV show.
When you are open to the little creatures the world is a much better place. We see the life and beauty of these little creatures. They are not so different from us. I cleaned my storage room on Sunday and I had to move a lot of spiders. That room is their home and they will be fine with the new set up, but I had to be careful that they didn't get hurt in the process.

Why can't a TV show have that kind of respect for animals. Some of these weird shows commit terrible acts of cruelty, but because it is part of a show, no one reacts. Can someone who sees the show start a petition that we all can sign.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Petition to stop animal cruelty on UK TV show. - by Catherine - 01-06-2015, 01:54 PM

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