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Animal cruelty at an auction
Time to close that firm down by taking away its licence. Not just the workers have been found guilty of cruelty, but the owner as well (last year). It looks like there is a chance that action may be taken to close the firm: "Ontario City Council member Jim Bowen also condemned the livestock auction and asked the City Council to take action."

There are a fair number of dead and dying animals shown on the video, some of them clearly very ill. It is not clear whether these were also bought at the auctions (for example, by meat traders buying for rock bottom prices). In that case they could easily have entered the food chain by the back door - eaten by humans and/or in pet food or animal feed. Frightening.

However, the truth is that - chilling as the video of this current atrocity is - this sort of cruelty is going on every day in many abattoirs, behind closed doors. For many humans, money (selling lots of livestock quickly; high turnover) is more important than respect for other living creatures. I'm glad that you mentioned this latest MFA video, Catherine.

Messages In This Thread
Animal cruelty at an auction - by Catherine - 03-04-2015, 05:24 PM
RE: Animal cruelty at an auction - by LPC - 03-04-2015, 06:36 PM
RE: Animal cruelty at an auction - by Tobi - 03-05-2015, 05:20 AM
RE: Animal cruelty at an auction - by Catherine - 03-05-2015, 04:01 PM

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