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"Paw-ternity" leave
I think this is a fantastic idea. Some places in Britain are giving workers time off to help settle in a new pet. Workers can get anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to be with the new pet and help them settle in. Think of how great it would be to get to know your new "baby" and have time to establish routines before you have to rush off to work and leave them alone.

If I got a paid week off every time I brought home a new pet I would never have to work again. Smiley4
Somehow I don't think reptiles would get the same consideration.

I need a week off to get to know Barrie and settle him in.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

If I ever get a job I would hope that I could bring Suzy with me but that hardly happens here in the USA. I do know one place that does it but don't go there much anymore. The USA is usually the last country to do the right things!! Not to down my country but it is true. Look how long it took to get healthcare and still many cannot afford it.
Not too many work places anywhere allow you to bring your pet with you. It would not be suitable for me to bring a pet and I wouldn't feel safe doing it. I have no control over the environment of my work place. I would not want to risk anyone of my pets getting hurt.

To take a dog to work you would need to work in an office or something quiet and stable. A truck driver could take a dog along.

Having leave to bring a new pet home is something else again. Not too many employers are ready to do that, at least not right now.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a thoughtful idea. Animals, especially those who have been rescued from unnerving circumstances, need to adjust a few days before they will feel safe enough to be left.
I think if an employer has the understanding to arrange this few days' leave for an employee, that is a great idea. I would certainly like to work for someone who thinks like that, and would be happy to be a member of their team!

I took Misty to work with me a couple of times, when I was working at an elderly lady's house, gardening and doing 'handyman' work. The lady didn't mind. I was sure Misty would be content....but unfortunately she wasn't. I never knew why. She seemed scared in the lady's garden, and very ill at ease, so badly that I thought she might have to visit the vet! Yet as soon as we left she was happy and energetic again.
After that I thought it best not to take her there any more. So she had to wait for me. Not so long, only 4 hours.

Yes, some workplaces are not places for dogs.

But last year I met a couple of workmen who regularly take their dogs with them to work. One man laid flooring, and he put his dog in the van if it wasn't convenient to have him in the house. Another is a gardener, and has a spaniel, who was very happy to be in the garden with him (with house owner's permission.)
I think being at home with a pet gives you both time to set up routines and be ready to go to work. Otherwise we just worry and don't do good work anyhow.

Odd that Misty didn't like the old lady's garden. I am sure there was a reason. Misty always had her reasons.

I wanted to take Jonathan the beardie with me, but most people would have had problems with a lizard in the house.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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