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DunRoamin' Stray and Rescue---a place for broken pets
There is a beautiful shelter in New Brunswick that takes in damaged pets. The healthy strays can go to regular shelters. DunRoamin' Stray and Rescue  takes the pets that are injured and need healing. Mildred Allison the founder is a veterinarian.
In the last 63 days she has taken in 67 injured animals. For those 67 animals Allison is a guardian angel who changes their lives.

It is good to know that this special shelter exists. For animals in need in this one community there is a place to go and someone who cares.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Dunroamin' is a lifesaver for so many animals. Sixty seven in sixty three days. That is wonderful help for them.

That lady is an inspiration. I hope that Rescue gets all the assistance it needs and donations also to further their work.
Somehow people will donate enough to keep the shelter going. It amazes me how places like DunRoamin exist. There is a need and people find a way to take care of it. Clearly there are many injured animals in the area. They took in 67 animals in 63 days. That is more than one a day. I am sure they have done their very best for these animals.

I feel good just knowing they are out there doing their work.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a fantastic place, what makes me sad is the need for that sort of shelter.
You are right. They are a great place, but it is sad that they are needed. They took in 67 animals and all those animals were damaged in some way. How can there be so many damaged pets that need rescuing?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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