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Circus brings back animal acts
This is so stupid! The Melha Shrine Circus dropped its animal acts a year ago and now they have decided to bring them back.

They were doing a good thing by retiring their animals. Why would they want to bring them back   They use dropping attendance numbers as the reason, but maybe there are other reasons for dropping numbers. Maybe the old style circuses no longer appeal to modern audiences. Certainly the popularity of animal acts is a thing of the past. People do not want to see abused animals performing tricks.
Bringing them back won't bring many of us back to the circus.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

You may well be right, Catherine. If the receipts remain low after the reintroduction of animal acts, then that shows that public attitudes have indeed changed.

If receipts do go up again, then that will show (sadly - and I hope it is not the case) that in America there is still a demand from the general public for such debased spectacles. That would indeed be a sad reflection on some parts of society there.

Circuses often use cruel training methods. Even where more enlightened methods are used, it is cruel and unnatural to keep lions, tigers, elephants, etc. in captivity, forced to perform for the entertainment of humans. Are humans so in need of entertainment that they have to resort to forcing animals to behave unnaturally for their entertainment? Can they not find other ways to amuse themselves? What does that say about the human species?

It is a tragedy that this charity can't see further than its nose. Short term profit (even for charitable purposes) cannot be justified on the back of animal cruelty.
I just can't see the entertainment value of animal acts. There is nothing funny or entertaining about it.

I think the traditional circuses no longer appeal to the public.
Something like the Canadian Cirque du Soleil which never used animals and has some remarkable shows definitely appeals to the modern public.

The old style circuses reflect a different time and different attitudes. Rather than go back, the circus should be looking for ways to appeal to the modern public. I don't think animal acts are the answer.

I hope the public feels the same. The animals should not be put through such horrible treatment. No animal deserves that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It is very disappointing to hear animal shows are being brought back! That move just opens the door to further abuse in the name of entertainment. I am not happy with animal shows. I remember watching them when I was a little girl, and never liked it even then. When the acrobats came on I liked it and cheered up. People wondered why I was so miserable during the animal acts. I felt something deeply sad, that's why, but was too young to know what it was or say anything.

Cirque du Soleil are brilliant. The first time I saw one of their shows (televised) I was transfixed. I'd never seen anything like that before.
I think a lot of us felt the same as you growing up. We never quite liked the animal acts. I didn't like to see the animals acting like that. I am not big on dogs doing tricks either. It is one thing to train them so they can live safely with other animals. I hate tricks that involve begging for treats. Just give the dog the treat or not. Don't make him beg. It is not dignified.

Rewards for good behavior are different. Working dogs are different. Some dogs are happy to serve. They are not forced to do it. A dog that doesn't work out is retired to a good home. The working dogs are retired after a certain number of years of service.

That is so different from a bear being forced to dance for entertainment.

Quote:Cirque du Soleil are brilliant. The first time I saw one of their shows (televised) I was transfixed. I'd never seen anything like that before.
I have only seen video as well. They are amazing and one of these years when they are doing a show in Toronto, I will go. I am sure a live performance is going to be an incredible experience.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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