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Dog buried alive dies of injuries.
This is so sad. A person out walking heard noises and found a dog buried alive. Everything was done to try and save the dog and for a while it looked hopeful. Sadly the dog took a turn for the worse and in spite of the best of veterinary care he died.

The real issue now is how the dog got there in that "grave". I suspect that the person who buried him thought he was dead.
There is an animal abuser out there. I hope someone recognizes the dog or knows something about who did this.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The man who did this has turned himself in. He will be charged. It won't bring the dog back, but at least there will be some justice.

I hope they are able to find out why he did this. It is not often and animal abuser turns himself in.
If he didn't want the dog he could have surrendered it at a shelter. There is no excuse for what he did.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The question arises: did this person admit only to the cruel treatment of this dog? The original article reported that two other dogs had been found strangled previously in the area. That deserves investigation.

I suspect that this man only gave himself in because the dog was known in the area and he would have been reported by someone else, in any case.
This is so sad. That dog was determined to try to live. It's a shame his heart gave out in the end, especially as he was making good progress. I can see his suffering, yet a determination in his face. Basically he looked as if he had been a well cared for dog before this happened. So considering how dreadfully he was treated at the makes me wonder if that man who turned himself in is actually the dog's caretaker, or if he has attacked someone else's dog.
If you see any more news about this please keep us posted, if you can Catherine. I would be interested to know what happened.
Yes apparently there were other dog attacks also, so it might have been the same man.
It's unusual that he turned himself in. Maybe as you say LPC, that is because other people knew about what he did.
I am guessing he turned himself in because he was going to be caught. It looks better legally if you turn yourself in.

I wonder about those other dogs. Is he linked to them or is their someone else out there hurting animals.

It is sad that the dog went through so much and tried so hard to live and then didn't make it. He was surrounded by people who cared for him, who really tried to save him. It doesn't make up for what happened, but he died in peace and safety.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Very often, serial killers (whether of humans or animals) will use the same techniques and follow the same patterns. That is of course, excluding the likelihood -or not -of someone else copying what they have heard reported on the media.
If one person is arrested, and then the crimes stop, that is an obvious clue that it was the same person of course.

How can anyone hate dogs so much like this?? And if so, that person has stolen or abducted someone else's dog in order to commit the crime. That Boxer was obviously not a wandering stray. He looked too well looked after.
The crime makes no sense and there media has gone silent about it. Of course if there is a big police investigation they will keep it quiet while the check things out. There are other animals out there who have been abused and killed. I just don't know if it is the same person committing the crime.

As soon as I hear anything I will post it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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