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Arctic National Wildlife Refuge targeted for oil drilling
I never thought about the fault lines. There are a lot and there have been a lot of earthquakes. Most are small, but Alaska has had some big ones. You are right that drilling might not be such a good idea. What happens to a well that is hit by an earthquake. There is a lot of probability that any drill site is going to experience and earthquake at some time. There will be oil spills. Some much of the land will be destroyed by the oil that is spilled. 

Also it is a very remote area. How do they safely get the oil out of the area. And I do mean safely. Most oil transport methods end up in oil spills. Pretty much once you get the oil out of the ground some of it is going to spill somewhere.

It is not worth what we would lose. 

It is time to go solar. Sunshine is everywhere and it is free. All we have to do is learn to use its power. Why are we wasting so much to pursue oil. 

 The stone age didn't end because they ran out of stones.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge targeted for oil drilling - by Catherine - 12-05-2017, 01:56 PM

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