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NEVER vaccinate an animal under stress or anaesthesia!
The whole vaccine issue is very complicated. Some children have been harmed by defective vaccines or reactions to vaccines. 
However there is a movement to blame vaccines for autism. Studies continue to show that there is no link between vaccination and autism. 
I think the law is meant to prevent parents from going after the manufacturers of vaccines. There is already a movement against vaccination and children who should have been vaccinated are now dying of things like measles. Unfortunately the law prevents parents whose children were hurt from seeking compensation. I would also fear that drug companies knowing they are legally immune will be less vigilant about their products.

We know vaccine reactions happen in animals. You are lucky that Misty was strong enough to recover. Having her tested for immunity was safer than continuing to vaccinate her. You were lucky to have a good vet even though he couldn't make the obvious connection.

We gave a litter of pure bred Siamese kittens their second shots. I think they were 8 or 10 weeks old and very healthy. Two of them died within hours. The other two were very ill. It was as if they had all the diseases at once. The little female died days later.
The male must have been strong. He had high fevers, open running sores, ulcers in the mouth and seizures. That is what I can remember. He recovered, but I use the word cautiously. He was brain damaged and physically impaired. He had no coordination and could trip just walking across the floor. He was clearly mentally challenged. It left him very simple minded. If a door was closed he would just look at it blankly until I opened it. I don't think he understood the concept of door. There was the space he could walk through and sometimes there was the "wall". If he waited long enough the walk through space reappeared. He never made the connection that I opened the door. He was like that about everything. He was totally loveable and he lived the rest of his life with me. He never got any better.
The vet would not believe it was the vaccine. All four vaccinated kittens were effected. There was a fifth kitten in the litter who was already with someone else and who received the second vaccine elsewhere. That kitten was fine.

You make a good point about dosage. Since dogs vary so much in size how can they think one size fits all. 
I have the same problem with medication. It isn't just dosage, I react at a much lower dose to most things.  Doctors won't compensate for that. Medications don't work well for me because the dosage is too much.

That seems like a long course of tetanus vaccines. No wonder you reacted. Our bodies are not meant to receive large amounts of any medication. In nature plants contain very low doses of things that we now receive in pill form.

I know we need vaccines. I wouldn't want to go back to the days of epidemics. We need to be cautious and we need to follow safety guidelines like not vaccinating anesthetized  animals.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: NEVER vaccinate an animal under stress or anaesthesia! - by Catherine - 02-14-2018, 03:50 PM

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