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Biodiversity Loss in the 21st Century: The Sixth Mass Extinction
I agree, Cat001. It is pretty obvious global warming is already having a profound effect on all species, and is going to accelerate the course of physical evolution at a speed, and to a degree, not experienced before. Some will become extinct and we must try very hard to do the best we can to save each species in gravest danger.
But unknown to us, species are bound to die off. And there may even be as-yet-undiscovered species, about which we know nothing, and which will disappear from Earth entirely and unrecognised.
That is, in my opinion, really sad.

But we have to do whatever we can to recognise those who are in greatest danger and do our best to save them.

I always hated "Zoos". But recently I have come to understand what the "good zoos" are doing. They are giving endangered species a small corner to survive on this planet.

Will we reverse global warming, given time? What is the trend? And there are some even saying we are in danger of another mini Ice Age! Either way, it will impact many animal species including our own.

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RE: Biodiversity Loss in the 21st Century: The Sixth Mass Extinction - by Tobi - 06-26-2018, 09:50 AM

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