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Stop donkey rides
Quote:The Sad Laborious Lives of the Santorini Donkeys

For years, a trip to the Greek island of Santorini wasn't complete without a donkey ride from the port to the city proper. Even though there were other means to get there, the "authentic" way to arrive was on the back of a donkey that had to walk up inclines and endure heat as they slogged towards the top of the island. These donkeys are often loaded with portly tourists, who weighed well above 100 kgs — far more than what an animal its size should be
forced to carry.

All around the world, people are becoming aware of the cruelty and frivolity of using animals as tourist attractions such as giving rides. In Spanish the phrase for such action is "tracción a sangre" or "pulled by blood" and that's just what it is. An animal through blood and sweat, without any choice of its own, is used as if it were a normal vehicle able to endure normal wear and tear. The truth is, they are not.
I signed.
Thank you for highlighting the sad lives of these donkeys, Sameer. I hope it is stopped. How lovely it would be if those donkeys could go to live in a donkey sanctuary for the rest of their lives...
I have heard about these donkeys. As the number of tourists increases the donkeys are pushed to di more and more. Many of the tourists are overweight which puts a terrible stress on the donkeys. They work in the heat without food or water. The who system is cruel. 
I can understand that some people can't climb the stairs. However there are other ways to get to the top. One  place has a cable car which would be a lovely way to travel.

When the donkey rides started they were the only way to get up other than walking. There would have been less people needing a ride. Now that we have other ways of travel, why would we need to force donkeys to endure hardships. Just because someone is on holiday doesn't give them the right to be cruel to animals. If the tourists boycotted the donkeys the whole thing would stop.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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