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Michigan animal lab force feeding fungicides to beagles
It is hard to watch animal cruelty videos like this one. It is hard to even know about them. 
It makes it worse when the company involved says the tests are not necessary in the first place.

We know that testing on animals is cruel and pointless. The company doing it knows that the tests are cruel and pointless. 
When will they stop doing it! It is stubborn stupidity that companies and countries still cling to the idea of animal testing. 
There are companies out there that have never tested on animals. If they can do it then there is no excuse for the companies that continue to use animals for lab tests.

This is the company that is sponsoring the tests.

They make themselves sound like the good guys, but behind the scenes they are having their product tested on dogs.

This is the product.

They make it sound like such a good thing. If it is so great why do they need to torture and kill dogs? What effect will yet another chemical have on the environment. What effect will it have on our pollinators, especially the bees.
The fate of the dogs is the immediate problem, but this could be part of a much larger problem. 
Chemical companies are not known for protecting people or the environment or even looking out for a few dogs in a lab. There goal is to make money and they don't care who suffers in the process.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Michigan animal lab force feeding fungicides to beagles - by Catherine - 03-18-2019, 04:30 PM

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