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Rescue takes in 700 animals
Muncie animal shelter has taken in 700 animals and that seems overwhelming. Even more overwhelming is the community response.

It seems that the bigger the task, the more people want to help.

As a reptile lover I am glad to see that the reptiles are getting good care. In the past, rescued reptiles were often just disposed of with no attempt made to find them homes.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Wow, 700 animals seized at once, that's some hoarder. Cecil came from a hoarder who surrendered 200 guinea pigs at once, but such a mixture of creatures. I do hope that all the animals find a good, forever home.
Well done to all concerned.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
I think they can't believe how well the community has responded.
They will find homes for everything. When they first realized that 700 animals were coming in they must have been ready to panic.

You are right, that is quite a mix of animals.

Poor Cecil. No wonder he is timid. He can't have had much human contact.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Those people of Muncie are real treasures! It was so heartwarming to hear that everyone came together to help.
Are all the 700 animals from the same location? A hoarder?
I feel a bit sorry for animal hoarders. Sometimes their heart is in the right place but they are not very practical. And then their lack of ability to cope leads to the animals' suffering. It is good that animals are seized from them. But poignant too in a way. I just hope they are not too nutty to learn from the consequences of their obsession.
Cat hoarders are the worst. They keep bringing home cats to save them and end up being very cruel. Worse, once in the hands of a hoarder, the cat has little chance of finding a home or even good care and enough to eat.

This must be a hoarder case. I will see if I can find out.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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