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Woman with guide dog stopped while entering a store
A woman with a guide dog was entering a department store in Leeds when the staff stopped her. She was told no dogs allowed.
It was only after the manager was called that she was allowed in the store. The staff seemed unaware of what they were doing wrong.

This is just happening too often. How is there anyone left who does not know that guide dogs are allowed anywhere.
It is in the news so often that people must know by now.  She should not have had to see the manager just to get into the store.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This happens with depressing regularity in many different stores. Many cases never get reported. A lot of the problems arise because big stores employ poorly trained outsourced security staff rather than "in-house".
Even poorly trained staff must see the news some times. There are so many reports about service dogs being refused. It always ends up with the dog being allowed or the store making an apology. Or both.
Ehenwill people lesrn. FDo we have to fight the battle for service dog right all over again.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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