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Deer with rat trap stuck on its face is safely rescued
It seems that deer frequently get themselves stuck on things that humans leave lying around. The deer was unable to eat or drink so it is fortunate that she was noticed and rescued. The trap was probably baited with peanut butter and left out in the open. We need to be careful when we put out things like traps. 
They can catch anything that is out there. The deer would have died if officers had not tracked her down, sedated her and removed the trap.

We need to be more responsible when we use traps or poison. We can cause the death of an innocent animal and it would be a slow miserable death.
Maybe traps should require a license  or registration before they are sold.
It would have taken the deer a while to die without food or water. Someone is responsible for that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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