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Finally time to say hi. :-)
(09-27-2014, 02:00 PM)Catherine Wrote: Do you get on an extras list and get called when they need a certain type of person?

That's exactly it. Basically, you sign up to a casting agency - some of them require you to have profile/portfolio photos done to their individual standard so you have to pay a fee to join, some of them are completely free to join - but they are entitled to a small percentage of the payment you receive for your first job. They keep all of your details/photo's on their system, and when filming companies approach them for extras - they apply people who match the description that the company are looking for. Smile

I had a look through those links Catherine - Robbie is gorgeous, they're all gorgeous, you've got quite a few of them too! :-) You've definitely made a nice interesting home for them.
Do you let them have free range of the whole house? Or do they have access to certain "piggy-friendly" areas?

I'm really sorry to hear that the white long haired one passed on.
It looks as though he/she had a nice life for however long he was with you, so he was lucky.

Are they all rescues? Where do you find and re-home them from?

"And ye harm none, do what ye will" ~ Wiccan Rede
I hope you get on all the right casting lists. I imagine the more you work and get known, the better it is.

My piggies have custom built enclosures and they are free to roam any time they want. Guinea pigs are conservative and most will not leave their enclosure. Robbie wandered for awhile until he joined the group of boys. Now he stays put. Murray has wandered back and forth, but he will only walk between the two enclosures and that is it.
So much for needing time outside of the enclosure.

At one point I had eleven guinea pigs. I don't know how I managed.

Long story: The pet store called and asked me to look at baby Pigbert.
He was neurologically challenged(he lived five good years with me). Frodo was from the shelter. He was there a year, no one wanted him.(he lived several years with me)

Miss Charlie was found in a shipment of feeder rats at the reptile store.(the guy gave her to me)
Rosie and Lily were old and were dumped at the shelter just before Christmas and no animal should be alone in a shelter for Christmas.(they lived a little while)

Lambert(the white one who just died) was from the pet store. His eye was damaged and he couldn't be sold.

Lambert fathered Rosebert with Miss Charlie. Pigbert fathered Norbert with Miss Charlie.(they are the piggies in the pictures)

Robbie and Murray were brought in to the reptile store. The woman wanted to see them fed to a big snake. My friend took them in, made excuses about it not being feeding day and gave them to me. (I would love to meet the woman, I have things I want to say to her)

Robbie is such a character and Murray is a real sweetie.

Flora was found wandering in a city park a year ago. She was dropped off at the reptile store and the guy gave her to me.

You may notice a pattern here. Pet stores call me when an animal is dropped off or is damaged. I watch the shelters for the old or not so attractive piggies.

I did let Miss Charlie have a litter. She was young enough. I meant Lambert to be the father. Having a baby from Pigbert was a special bonus. Pigbert was a special little man. He never complained about his problems and the other piggies were careful around him. He couldn't walk. He dragged himself around, but he was always so happy about everything. I miss him, but the piggies I have now are special.

I don't plan my piggies. They just seem to come to me.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'm quite a bit late, but welcome to the ALWF family!! [Image: smiley-bounce016.gif]

Your job sounds absolutely fascinating; do you have to travel a lot for it?

It's awesome that you're into herbalism! It's somewhat of an under-appreciated art, but incredibly useful. My whole household (myself included) always prefers the natural remedy when it is available.

What are your gerbies names? They sound adorable!
Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. --Steven Wright / / tech support & web design, I'm always happy to be of assistance!
Hi Janay!!! Nice to meet you. I've been reading some of your posts. What an interesting life you lead. Can't wait to hear more.
You are in good company here at ALWF.
I am into natural healing myself and have been most of my life. I know some about herbal treatments, but continue to learn every day. As a rule we treat most things at home. Who can aford a doctor these days anyway, lol!!
I have a treadure trove of goodies in my yard that will treat so many ailments. Most people consider them annoying weeds, but I see their medicinal value.
I look forward to hearing more from you, until then welcome to ALWF!!!
See ya 'round!!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
Quote:I have a treasure trove of goodies in my yard that will treat so many ailments. Most people consider them annoying weeds, but I see their medicinal value.

Yes, but have you ever found a use for Beefsteak Plants?Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you Bock and AnimalFamily 19

(10-02-2014, 04:08 PM)Catherine Wrote: You may notice a pattern here. Pet stores call me when an animal is dropped off or is damaged. I watch the shelters for the old or not so attractive piggies.

What you do is lovely Catherine. Smile It's incredible the way you've managed to help so many piggies out of so many different situations. I can see from the pics on your threads that you make a lovely home for them. They're all very lucky to be with you. Robbie and Murray were very lucky that you came along - I certainly would have had a few things to say to that woman aswell.

(10-06-2014, 03:31 AM)AnimalFamily Wrote: I have a treadure trove of goodies in my yard that will treat so many ailments. Most people consider them annoying weeds, but I see their medicinal value.

I know what you mean. So many plants are overlooked, and simply considered "weeds". Dandelions are considered pesky annoying "weeds" here in the UK, if they're grown completely organically they can have many medicinal purposes. I used to drink a lot of dandelion tea when I was a teenager, and I even have a dandelion tattoo on my arm, as I find them beautiful.

(10-03-2014, 03:01 PM)Bock Wrote: Your job sounds absolutely fascinating; do you have to travel a lot for it?

It can require a lot of travel, if you get into it more full-time. So far I've only had one job that has required me to travel quite far, which was a good 4 hour drive away from my home by coach (they provide the travel of course!).
I live very close to London, and so far, most of the jobs I have done are in and around the London area.

My gerbils names are Brownie and Parker. Heart I have found their only focused photos, and they will be up on here shortly.

"And ye harm none, do what ye will" ~ Wiccan Rede
I just feel that someone has to take the damaged ones. At one point I had four bearded dragons with some of their feet missing. They can get damaged by their siblings. Jonathan had one front foot missing. Princess had both feet gone on one side. Cole had only one foot, a front one. Fox only had one back foot. Fox had the hardest time. They all died around the same time, but we had many good years together.

Since then I have taken in 3 beardies with damaged spines(from calcium deficiency...poor feeding). Keith seemed the most normal and then he went down hill fast and died. George and Eric were brought in together. George was actually unconscious his calcium levels were so low. I pulled him through and we had three good months before he died suddenly. Eric has a twisted spine, but he gets around and after a year he has grown and looks good.

If Alex, the little female lives I will bring her home. It is too soon to tell. She is eating, but I think she will lose her front leg or at least never have proper use of it.

I regularly harvest dandelions from my neighbour. They do well here.
I like to season food with herbs instead of salt. It is much better for the blood pressure and the general health. I am drinking licorice/mint tea right now and it is very soothing and tasty.
What about that Beefsteak plant?Smiley4

Being near London must be good if you want to be in the film industry.
Do they do a lot of filming in the city? They use Toronto for a lot of movies and TV. If you ever get a part in a film in Toronto do let me know.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Hahahahahahahaha. You're too funny Catherine!
Actually, beefsteak does have some medicinal value and it is supposed to be tasty in salad. Buttttttttttt, I could never eat that much salad! And as for it's medicinal uses, there are other herbs that provide the same purpose and aren't a hazard to my goats, lol.
I know there is a way to market this plant, I just can't find anyone locally who is interested.
I could sell online I suppose, but I think my brain is just tooo lazy to figure out how to ship across country and keep it fresh in the process.
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
Maybe you could charge people to harvest their own fresh Beefsteak plants. It would be a wonderful opportunity for them. Advertise a chance to pick your own fresh medicinal herbs. People pay to pick their own fruit, so why not herbs.
Didn't you say Beefsteak plant is used in Chinese medicine? Do you have any "Chinatowns" in any of your nearby cities. Toronto has a huge area with Chinese markets and restaurants.(actually we have more than one area)

How does it taste? Would guinea pigs eat it? Maybe there is a market there. Sell it to a pet store as fresh organic beefsteak greens. First test it on a guinea pig and see if they like it.

Do the rabbits eat it?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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