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UK Dogs at risk from new Tick Disease
UK veterinarians are warning dog owners about a new Tick Disease, Babesiosis, which has started to appear in the UK.
Four cases were discovered recently in Harlow, Essex.
Thank you for posting that Tobi. It's important to know what diseases are lurking out there. I haven't heard of any cases here in the USA yet. I use the treatment called Revolution on my dog. It's for ticks, fleas and heartworm.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
That is a worry, especially since they do not know how the ticks were  in the area.  I hope there is not an infestation of them.

We had ticks in Manitoba so after a walk in a tick area we did a visual tick search of our clothes and hair. When we had a dog, we inspected the dog. Dog owners will have to be very careful from now on.

I am glad it is treatable, but it would help to recognize the problem as early as possible.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Lyme disease (carried by Ticks) is already present in the UK and affects both dogs and humans...and probably other animals too. It is always wise to check the dog for Ticks after any walk. They never used to be in my immediate area, only in a woods nearby, but gradually I began to notice Misty had picked up Ticks here, and sometimes Sally does.

They are easier to spot on a light-coloured short haired dog, and sometimes they can be got off before they bite. They look like tiny black spiders. But even after they have bitten, there is a 24 hour period where if they are taken off carefully, they are very unlikely to spread disease.
And not all Ticks do, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

But I have no idea if the usual Tick protocol applies to this new disease. Probably it does....but I shall try to find out more.
I didn't know you had Lyme Disease in UK. We are starting to have it in southern parts of eastern Canada(Ontario).
Actually we may have had Lyme disease for years. We are now starting to recognize it.

Babesiosis may have been around for a while.  It is probably hard to recognize.  Ticks seem to be a real problem. They can transmit a number of things to humans and animals. 

I hope dog owners take heed and watch their dogs for ticks.

I don't remember, ticks are only around at certain times of the year, right?
Is there a skin treatment or shampoo that repels them?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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