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San Diego Zoo primates receive covid 19 vaccine
There is a covid 19 vaccine for animals. It was primarily intended  for cats and dogs, but  the Sn Diego Zoo has given it to their orangutans and Bonobos. In January their gorilla troupe caught covid 19 and it was especially hard on their older silverback male. Rather than risk harm to the orangutans and Bonobos they went ahead and vaccinated them. They have all responded well and had no side effects.

I am glad to hear that  the animals are protected. Orangutans and Bonobos are so similar to us. It would be sad to lose any of them to a human pandemic.
The vaccine is not a problem. I had my first shot this morning and it was easy. I feel fine and very relieved to be safe.
I didn't get any treats though.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Now the gorillas at Oakland Zoo are going to be vaccinated against covid 19.  A number of other zoos have already vaccinated their primates.
There is no vaccine hesitancy  in this case. The zoo keepers recognize the need to protect their animals from getting covid 19.

It is important that we protect these animals by vaccinating them. That is why they have developed a vaccine suitable for primates.  
Humans are the ones spreading the virus. It is important we use our skills to protect  endangered species from getting infected.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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