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French pet supply company stops selling goldfish bowls
AgroBiothers, a leading aquarium supply company has decided to stop selling goldfish bowls. They drive the fish crazy and they simply die after a short time. 
Goldfish are a large, social fish who can live over 30 years. Putting a young goldfish in a small round bowl is an act of cruelty. They have no room to grow, they have no stimulation and they have no oxygenation for the water. The water quickly becomes dirty and lacking in oxygen.
AgroBiothers has sold a large number of fish bowls over the years, but no more. They will no longer sell a fish tank less than 15 liters. People might still want to choose a small bowl for a goldfish, but AgroBiothers is no longer giving them that choice.

Good for AgrBiothers! Too often people do not consider the needs of fish, especially goldfish. They are one of the most mistreated pets.
When I had goldfish, my tank was 4 feet long, by 18in deep and 18 in wide. I had a whole school of fish. It was so much fun to watch them interact with each other. Some of them even learned to take food sticks right from my hand. Compare that to watching one fish in an empty round bowl just swimming in circles until it gives up and dies.

Fish bowls do have a use. My ball pythons love them as water dishes. They love curling up in a smooth round bowl for a good soak.
Lets retire all fish bowls and turn them into perfectly good water dishes. The snakes and fish will both thank you.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'm glad that this company is putting animal welfare before profit. If only more companies did the same!
I agree with you 100%. So often what people do with their pets,  is what they want to do with their pets. They don't consider what the pets want. 
Having a company decide to do what is best for the animal is really hopeful. They will try to influence the people who buy pet supplies. It will take time, but someday goldfish will receive the treatment they deserve. When goldfish are happy and well cared for they are really a wonderful, interesting pet.

They are a lot more intelligent than people realize. My first summer with my goldfish I kept them outside in a large pond. I spent time watching them every day. 
Then I brought them in for the winter and put them in a large tank.  I had only seen them from above because I looked down into the pond to see them. 
I was excited to be level with them and see them through the glass. As I sat there watching them, I became aware that they were watching me. They had only seen me looking up from the pond and this was their first time seeing me through the glass. We  just sat there looking at each other. It was a beautiful moment.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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