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Good news: Sea World to end orca breeding
I'm a part of a zookeeper group on FB and 99% of people on there are going mental over this decision saying it's the worst thing to have happened.
In that group I am in the minority as I think it's a good thing they're not breeding them anymore.
Keepers are saying that orcas will now die out because sea world isn't allowed to breed them (couldn't roll my eyes enough at that one), and that people will never get a chance to see orcas again and that it's the end of conservation and blah blah blah. I think that's incredibly melodramatic and they seem more concerned about the loss of their jobs than the welfare of cetaceans.
I don't believe that sea world bred orcas for any other purpose than to continue having stock across their facilities. They never had intention to release orcas or add to wild populations ergo not contributing to their conservation.
Much more beneficial conservation work is actually done with wild orcas.

What does worry me is that it's these same people who petitioned for the end of sea world who want all zoos shut down.
While I don't believe that will happen, it is a concern because there are many zoos that actually do actively contribute to conservation. The birds I work with for example would not be alive today if it were not for zoos.

Stopping the shows I'm in two minds about. I kind of feel like doing the shows gives them a purpose and something to do instead of just rotting in a tank.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Good news: Sea World to end orca breeding - by platy - 03-20-2016, 04:33 PM
RE: Good news: Sea World to end orca breeding - by Catslave. - 03-22-2016, 07:55 PM

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