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Canada Goose coats will still use fur
A lot of people don't want to know how the fur trim got on their coats. We need to push the information so that everyone knows.
Then if they are willing to have a coyote die for their fashion statement we at least know them for what they are.
If you are going to wear dead animals then you should know how they died.

We no longer need down. Coats with manufactured fibers are warm and light weight. Everything we get from animal sources can be made from other materials.

Washing down filled things is not easy. They end up getting very dirty because we can't really clean them.
I can imagine you washing a duvet. There would be no way to fluff it up again. People from your mothers generation had no idea.
I think none of us ever imagined the cruelty of collecting down. We thought there was some nice way it was done.

We thought everything we did with animals was nice. Chickens were happy to give us eggs and smiling cows were generous with their milk. How did we not think that an animal had to die to give us fur.

The truth is out now and we need to change or we are not the people we think we are. Lots of people want to see change.
Someday I will ride the subway and I won't be surrounded by a pack of dead coyotes.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Canada Goose coats will still use fur - by Catherine - 03-20-2017, 12:58 PM

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