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Dog gets sick after eating from compost bin
Dogs will get into anything. Many kitchens have easily accessible compost bins. A woman can home to find her dogs had spread her compost all over the kitchen. One dog was very sick, twitching and spasming. A trip to the vet led to an ICU stay. They dog got to the vet on time and is going to recover.

Compost bins get moldy which is dangerous for dogs. They contain onion skins, potato peelings and apple cores.
There are things in our compost bins that we wouldn't feed to our dogs. We have to be careful that our dogs don't help themselves.
Bins could have some kind of lock or be kept in a closed cupboard. The bin could be on a counter that dogs can't reach. Probably the bin should be emptied more frequently. It is worth the trouble to keep our dog friends healthy.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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