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Threads: 7,223
Members: 1,532
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Threads per day: 0.36
Members per day: 0.08
Posts per member: 19.83
Threads per member: 4.71
Replies per thread: 3.21
Newest Member: Jane the cat lover
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Today's top poster: Catherine (2 posts)
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Top referrer: Catherine (10 referrals)

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Extinct animals size (116 replies)
David Bowie (96 replies)
Sorry I haven't been here much lately (96 replies)
Dear Lucy (94 replies)
Hello from the U.S.! (89 replies)
New Leopard Gecko (86 replies)
Farewell to Raven (81 replies)
How are you and how was your day and whatever... (77 replies)
Who let the dove out (75 replies)
Please Help Dog With Cancer, Aggressive Lymphoma, He Needs Urgent Care (75 replies)
2015 Bird Count (75 replies)
Vegetarianism (72 replies)
A kind of telepathy....with a Crow (69 replies)
Extinct animals size (140,409 views)
Hello from the U.S.! (131,880 views)
New Leopard Gecko (120,523 views)
Dear Lucy (114,919 views)
David Bowie (109,956 views)
Sorry I haven't been here much lately (104,375 views)
How are you and how was your day and whatever... (95,218 views)
2015 Bird Count (92,186 views)
Vegetarianism (91,062 views)
A kind of telepathy....with a Crow (90,326 views)
Farewell to Raven (83,723 views)
Who let the dove out (82,882 views)
Please Help me raise funds for Orphan Puppies. (82,470 views)
2016 Bird Count (80,627 views)
Sugar Glider (80,209 views)
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